Technobabble Repair Table

Do you need some technobabble for your game or writing?  Well I got you covered.  Here is a table of how to fix the catastrophe that just occurred…in SPAAAAAAAAACE.  Or it could help you sound smart in front of your friends. 


1fuse thecentralcomputeron top of theioniccluster
2couple theprotondisplaywith thedistortionaldiodes
3solder theelectronCPUunderneath thedimensionalresistor
4transwarp theportableconduitover theanti-mattergenerator
5reset themultidirectionalfeedthrough thenuclearfield
6reboot theexternaldiffuserusing thetoroidalmanipulator
7cross-wire thefluctuatingbalancerinto thegravitationaltanks
8mesh theharmonicdriveagainst thequantumaccelerator
9radiate theimpulsecontrolstowards theparticlethrusters
10connect thespectralfilamentinside theplutoniumchamber
11reroute thedark mattergatewayacross themagneticmatrix
12optimize theA.I.batteryaround theatmosphericconverter
13agitate theinsulatingmodwithout thequarkcoil
14rewind thenavigationlinknear theheliohydronicshell
15reverse theplasmasensorexcluding theparabolicscanner
16isolate thephaseprongsopposite thesubatomicharness
17purge theinfaredarraysimilar to thenanotechmanifold
18boost theultravioletsignalwhile avoiding thecombustioninjector
19align thecosmicreceiveroutside theradioactivecollector
20calibrate thechronoinduceraway from thehydrogenengine


Some examples: 

I must reboot the insulating conduit excluding the nanotech accelerator
We will crash if we don’t optimize the fluctuating filament near the heliohydronic diodes
Ensign Podge is currently trying to calibrate the multidirectional CPU using the dimensional matrix.


What kind of random table should I do next?


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