Category: Characters

November 5, 2018

All that deserves a name Alloran, a prince, my secret lover, forced to spurn me because of his station. Twilight, my curved blade, a gift…

November 5, 2018

<img src=” alt=”Little Bird” itemprop=”image” height=”1032″ width=”774″ title=”Little Bird” /> <b><i>All that deserves a name<br /> Sidesaddle: The town the Baron burned down The Black…

November 5, 2018

<b><i>All that deserves a name<br /> Surra – dragon lord of fire, I’ve killed his son to get Gift Innara – my beloved Gift –…

November 5, 2018

<img src=” alt=”Cleave” itemprop=”image” height=”1800″ width=”1230″ title=”Cleave” /> <b><i>All that deserves a name</i></b> Simplicity – my blade, its edge impossibly sharp Benedict – my father,…

September 18, 2018

<strong>All That Deserves a Name<br /> Rune scroll — The thing that animates the golem. Resides Inside the golem’s mouth. Sorell— the sorcerer who animated…