My Gaming Ambition for the Next Year

Day 26 of #RPGaDAY2018 asks:

What is your gaming ambition for next year?

This is probably best re-framed as “What are my gaming ambitions for next year?”  One should never have only one gaming ambition in my opinion.

Here are a few things I aim to accomplish within the next year:

Play more games

Sometimes I struggle to come up with content to put on the blog or YouTube.  While answering the prompts of #RPGaDAY2018 has given me a boost in the content creation department, it only lasts a month and I will be back on the content struggle bus at the start of September.  Since I write, vlog, and record actual plays of the tabletop RPG’s, the best way for me to come up with content and generate more ideas is to play more games.  A goal of mine will be to game at least once a week for the next year so hopefully that will give me at least 52 sessions of play.

Run or play in a campaign or more connected games

If you know me or maybe just notice a trend here on Fictive Fun, you may recognize that I play in a lot of one-shots.  Many of the story games I enjoy are designed to be one-shots so it is to be expected that becomes a trend for me.  I am also hesitant to sign up for every session of a campaign because I don’t like the commitment.  It is an issue I will need to overcome in order to be a player in a campaign.  

On the GM side, I am running an ongoing campaign of Swords Without Master.  Actually it’s more of a series of interconnected one-shots, but my aim is allow players to experience a full character arc instead of experiencing an end-to-end campaign plot arc.  I have run two sessions so far and I am interested to see how it turns out and what tweaks to the house rules I can make.

Design a game and/or setting

This is a side-effect of being a member of The Gauntlet.  Many of the members there are game designers or aspiring game designers.  Seeing all the ideas being tossed around in the community’s conversations really produces an itch to join the design side.  I have written a module for Dungeon World before but I feel I can do better than that one instance.  I have heard some game designers suggest starting small.  They say your first few games do not need to be your magnum opus.  Perhaps I will try creating a few one page designs over the next year.


More games, more campaigns, and game design are my gaming ambitions for the next year.  I wanted to add “Go to a gaming convention” to the list but that is something I feel is not an immediate goal of mine. 

What are your gaming ambitions for the next year?

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