How has a Game Surprised You?

Day 9 of #RPGaDAY2018 asks:

How has a game surprised you?

I’ll keep this one short and only mention one game. The game that surprised me the most was Eden by Marc Hobbs.  Eden is a story game about adolescent humans within the Garden of Eden. These adolescents learn about life and survival from the animals they meet and communicate with.  The game begins with a phase in which the players build the world, draw a map and add the animals that exist within the garden.  The game is played in scenes and ends with the players deciding whether their characters decide to leave or stay in the garden.

Eden is a game that is very light in rules.  Most of the rules concern creating the world and characters and the scenes are basically free roleplay.  But with only a few rules, Eden shines in creating an entertaining story.  Some of the scenes can be touching but on the other hand, some scenes can be downright hilarious.  We had a great scene with rhinos and another scene about procreation with many references to cloaca.  All in all it was a fun experience.

If you are looking for a fun little story game that can easily be taught to new players, then check out Eden.

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