June 25, 2018

Cast Arc Balda Boucama Synopsis Arc, Balda, and Boucama find themselves lost on a raft in the middle of a large lake when they spot what looks like buildings.  Who…

June 22, 2018

Cast Apalie Mara Gildas Synopsis Apalie, Mara, and Gildas have returned to the town of Rahim with salvage from the Badlands.  They arrive at dark and the guard will not…

June 21, 2018

Cast Roshan Zephyr Smallest Synopsis The rogues entered the Badlands in order to retrieve an artifact for a merchant in Dutchtown.  Well within the Badlands, the rogues struggle with the…

June 15, 2018

Cast Sitid Toben Synopsis The rogues leave the city towards the Badlands in the east.  They are led by a guide named Kessa who assures them that she will take…

June 15, 2018

Echoes is an ongoing series of play in which threads are carried over between games. Here is a list of the sessions: